Monday, 16 August 2010

Takaka Sports

Takaka sports was a great succses. Takaka sports exchange is when Takaka Primary School comes to Mapua to compete against each other playing netball, soccer, hockey, rugby, miniball and tug'o'war to win the sheild.
The scores were-
  • Netball A 8-2 Win
  • Netball B 16-1 Win
  • Miniball 22-8 Win
  • Football 6-1 Win
  • Rugby 30-25 Win
  • Hockey 6-0 Win
  • Tug'o'War 0-2 Loss
As you can see from the scores above, we won the SHEILD!!!

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Rocking Recorder

This term we have been doing a lot of recorder work. We have learnt the notes A,B,C,High D,Low D,E,F#,G. We have had lots of fun learning these notes and hope to learn more.

We have played in four assemblies and played a variety of songs that appealed to our audience. I know that my brother really liked one of the songs, the one called Apache, because he kept singing - in fact he's still singing it!

Mr Taylor is a pro recorder player so he teaches us heaps of songs and notes. Here is a picture and a video of us playing.